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Old 05-21-2009, 03:39 PM   #1
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Default Went to the vet today-no answers

I let Audrey-Belle out to potty this morning and when I went to let her in she was coughing and gagging sort of. It seemed she had something stuck, I know she chews long grass and the occasional wood chip (no they are not the cocoa mulch kind). I waited a bit and it didn't get better, so I called the vet, this is 9am and they said they couldn't get her in till 12:30. So I called another vet I have used but don't feel as comfy with and got her in at 10:15. She made the noises several times in the waiting room but once the Dr tried looking at her she was like a church mouse. They said they couldn't see anything or feel anything in her throat. Said she was running a low fever, so maybe it's a doggie cold. She had her Bordatella (Nose) about two weeks ago I asked if she could get a cough from that this long afterwards. I don't think I got a straight answer on that. So they gave me antibiotics and sent us home. I hope she improves soon, I hate to see her cough and snort like this. She's ok when calm but if she runs or gets excited like she did when another dog put his face in her carry bag at the vet it starts up. She's eating and drinking if the coughing doesn't stop her. We had two days of temps in the 90's then last night the temp dropped and it got cold. Maybe the temp change caused it? I lost my dog of 10 years less than a year ago and Audrey-Belle is the rescue we got to help mend my broken heart. I don't want to lose her too.
Mammadoodle to my Yorkiedoodle Barney and our crazy cat Ms. Sassy Pants. RIP Audrey-Belle
Within the heart of every stray lies the singular desire to be loved
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