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Old 05-21-2009, 12:26 PM   #1
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Location: San Francisco, CA
Posts: 101
Default Extreme Anxiety!!!

My boyfriend and I have been leaving Kaia alone starting with small, short periods at a time. Even after 5 minutes, we can hear her screams and incredibly loud cries down the hallway. It sounds like we have a kennel in our condo, except...we have just one puppy. Last night, we left for 30 minutes and came back and as soon as we opened the door she vomited up her dinner when she saw us walk in.

This morning, I ran some errands while my boyfriend was at work, and sure enough, I walked in to a puppy crying and her breakfast vomited up on the floor. I'm so upset and angry at myself for just starting to leave her, at 16 weeks. We have gates all over the place so that she is confined to the one room while we're gone, but she gets so worked up that she gets sick.

Please help...I can't possibly see her go through this and I am feeling horrible!
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