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Old 05-19-2009, 08:20 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by afrye06 View Post
I picked up Mallie from the ER vet this morning to transport her to her regular vet. She seemed to be doing good. She was all wiggley and excited to see us. She was giving lots of kisses (which she only does when shes's real excited) and I didn't hear any breathing difficulties. I hope this means she's getting better.
My vet said she may have to stay a couple more days. My problem with this is they want to keep Mallie at the regular vet all day and night to monitor her...but no one is there are night! How can they monitor her when no one is there for 10 +/- hrs?? We already refused to leave her there last night, which is why she had to go to the ER vet. So i guess depending on what my regular vet says and what the ER vet says she may be going back to the ER vet. I really wanted her to be able to come home today...
She is spending the day at my regular vet and is getting blood work done. My dad is trying to reach the vet Mallie has seen with the last 2 nights too find out if it's necessary to hospitalize her again. This is very expensive! It was $500 just for last night. It's going to be about $200 more for the visit at my vet today...and this doesnt include the cost of the vet visit yesterday and the ER vet visit sunday.
Ive been reading what is basically horror stories on old threads here about dogs with pneumonia...and needless to say it didnt make me feel any better. My dad did say that the pneumonia barely showed on the xrays so its not a bad case. Im just worried because pneumonia is very severe and i dont want to lose my new puppy. They vets haven't said a word about her not surviving im hoping thats a good sign. Im trying to be positive about this, but its so hard!
What you can do is have your vet keep her during the day and then transfer her to the ER vet at night where she will be monitored, then take her back to your vet in the morning. I've done that before.

How old is your puppy?
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