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Old 05-05-2009, 08:45 AM   #3
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Thanks for the great info! As a matter of fact, I've already been giving this a lot of thought. We live in an area loaded with Lyme-carrying ticks, so I'm loath to give up my Frontline-Plus. We've used it for years with no ill effects.

HOWEVER...I'm going to err on the side of prudence and try cutting the dose way down. I gave our new (15 month old) 4.5 lb. Chorkie, Zoey, a full pipette last month, just as I've always done with all our little dogs, and it didn't trouble her in the slightest, thank goodness. But, when you think about it, it's way too much for her tiny self. It's good for up to a 23 lb. dog, so I'm going to divide one pipette into 4 doses.

Each small dog pipette contains 0.67ml liquid, so divided by 4 it will come to 0.1675. I can come pretty close to that with my 1.0ml syringe.

Worth a try, anyway, IMO.
Debby...owned by Zoey, the no longer Porky Chorkie (or maybe Morkie!)
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