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Old 05-05-2009, 12:43 AM   #4
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Not to scare anyone, but as a forwarning...

I have 6 greyhounds at the time. A five foot chain link fince. I had a coyote jump/climb the fence and proceded to attack and try to kill the greyhound that only has three legs. I think her screaming brought out the rest of the pack and they saved her life. I have since found the fence bent up on the inside. Showing that they will GET IN.

Jac-fooy made it thru a pretty bad surgery: and today she is fine.

**Jax could have out run the coyote, but for the most part Greyhounds are not afraid of any other dogs. That is all they know. Dogs..

Anyway..Becareful. You just never know what they will do
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Time to watch out little ones!-th_jaxfence001.jpg   Time to watch out little ones!-th_jaxfence002.jpg  
Sheila and CO
6 Retired Racing Greyhounds: Max the Yorkie: Precious the JRT
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