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Old 05-02-2009, 07:28 AM   #6
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That's so great!!! Just remember you have to give and take in the human relationships ;o) Hummmm, why can guys be like dogs....never asking for much....LOL

Seriously, I understand him wanting a "manly" dog. Just tell him to go to your local animal control or SPCA and look around. Maybe he'll find a new best friend there. Are you involved in that decission at all? It'd be nice if you both love the breed as I'm sure you'll be helping to care for the new addition.

I totally understand wanting more than one Yorkie. They are such awesome beings. I'm inlove with the breed now that I have Barley and couldn't imagine another small breed comparing. If you have any recent photos of Stormy we'd all love to see her. Maybe you should start a new thread with that one though as tons of us have followed her story. So wonderful to have such a great happy ending. Great to hear from you!!!! Oh, how's your mother's yorkie?
Gennie, mommy to my two loves: Bambi & Bijou
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