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Old 04-29-2009, 09:21 AM   #8
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I don't know if it is tear free or not -- I tend to be over cautious when washing faces....

The ONLY shampoo that I have used for the past 2+ years is MinkSheen. I generally start new pups off with their first MinkSheen bath around 6 weeks and then they get regular MinkSheen baths until they leave my home to start their new life.

I have silky coats and one cotton coat (Chizziewink) and I have never ever had issues with the shampoo. I don't blow dry, I find that by the time I have finished brushing/combing them out their hair is dry and during the cold winter months I opt for turning a space heater on, and sitting on the floor for extra warmth during grooming/drying.
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