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Old 04-26-2009, 04:55 PM   #65
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Default Kory and Courtash Yorkies

I have 3 Courtash Yorkies that are beautiful and healthy. I notice that there are MANY customers responding with happy outcomes and beautiful healthy dogs and TWO individuals seemingly trying to ruin her business.

I talk to Kory often seeking advice and she mentioned this crap to me months ago and of course found it rather upsetting. From my understanding, Ginger "Fashion Paws" STILL wants a dog from Kory ... so I am curious as to why Ginger hasn't taken back her bad comments on this site. From my understanding, she got her negative information from Cindy who is this "TopFlash". TopFlash wanted to go into business with Kory and due to this business agreement going sour she is trying to ruin Kory and Courtash Yorkies. Now if Kory was so bad would poster number one still want a puppy from her and would poster number two go into business with her? You decide. Cindy is the breeder, by my understanding, that has phoned IRS, USDA, and anyone else she can, to try and hurt Kory and her business. It seems to me that this is simply slander and rather catty disgusting slander at that.

Personally, I'd like to see a retraction from Ginger. The website she did was so glittery that, in my opinion it detracted from the beautiful pictures of the dogs. Kory wanted changes done to the site which weren't done...Kory is willing, if the changes are done, to give her a dog... even though she knows what Ginger put on this site. Personally after reading what she wrote and with no retraction, I would stay with the webite I have and not give her a dog at all. Kory is far too forgiving and feels that Poster number two, Cindy, just filled her head with lies. I'll believe that with a prompt retraction of what she wrote.

As for if one should or shouldn't breed to standard, that is opinion and a rational comment to make. I think her Yorkies are better than standard so see no problem with it at all. As for the other two individuals -- one I think should have the guts to retract her comments and the other I don't expect to, but one should temper her comments with the knowledge that it stems from a business agreement gone sour.

All I know personally, is that I am with the numerous other people who bought from Kory and have the most beautiful, healthy dogs I have seen anywhere.

I hope Kory doesn't mind me spilling the details, but reading those comments, having heard the story before, just upset me.
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