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Old 04-10-2009, 07:36 AM   #9
Lovin' my R & R
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Originally Posted by bonbon View Post
Hey Amanda! I actually did an elimination diet with him a couple of years ago to determine chicken was the problem. Alex is 13 and he can't seem to tolerate it in any brand, and I've tried a few. For the last several months, I've been free feeding Nature's Variety Instinct in the Rabbit meal and the Duck & Turkey meal and all 4 of mine are doing great on it. I also feed NV's raw in venison and wanted to find something besides venison to offer them. None of mine like lamb at all, and I won't feed the NV Raw Rabbit since it's from China, so I was hoping Alex could tolerate their raw chicken. I was just hesitant to buy a whole bag and then find out he couldn't eat it. I never thought of trying some from the butcher, duh! That would be a lot cheaper, and hopefully have the same result as NV's raw.
Hey Bonny have you seen Primal raw anywhere near you? I actually switched from NV raw to Primal raw because all of the formulas are organic, antibiotic and hormone-free, as well as all the protein is sourced from the US, and only fed US-grown grains.

The Primal has SO MANY different flavors. We just stick with lamb because they love it and I don't want to burn my bridges if a novel protein source is ever necessary. They have: beed, lamb, chicken, duck, venison, pheasant, quail, turkey & sardine, ummmmm, I think that's it. I also like the meat better because there are no large bone pieces and it is VERY soft (I guess finely ground?). Anyway, just something else to look at.
Amanda 's Ranger & Ryder
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