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Old 04-09-2009, 05:15 AM   #1
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Default Frustrated with trying to find chew toys

I tell you I have spent lots of money on chew toys for Reggie. He is now 8 mos old. We started out with the puppy Nylabone. That worked great until he got in some adult teeth and last week he bit a chunk off it and so I had to toss it. We had also purchased him a Prince wishbone shaped Nylabone for Christmas. This is the extra strong one for aggressive chewers. It was working pretty well so I also got him a bone shaped Nylabone for aggressive chewers so he would have some variety. Well this past week he has chewed little shreds of the ends of both of these products so now I have taken them away because I am afraid he will swallow a shard of plastic big enough to cut or irritate his intestines. Also he chews on them so hard now I am worried that he will chip or break a tooth.

He has already been declared by the vet to have a "sensitive stomach" as things make him throw up easily like eating his food too fast and not chewing it well. Also pain medications he took after being neutered ulcerated his stomach. He is a gulper of sorts so I have to really watch him about swallowing things whole. He also is like a little vaccum in that ANYTHING he finds on the floor or wherever he will swallow if he can get it down.

I also bought him a puppy Kong when we first started crating him during the day and this works well for that. I put treats in it and he loves it. However I have noticed lately that he can really squish it between his jaws so I am thinking I am going to have to move up to the stronger one. Even though he likes this toy, it isn't something he plays with or chews on just for fun. Only when it has a treat inside and I can't give him treats all the time or he will get fat.

I have bought things like Greenies and similar type edible chews and Reggie can down one of those in less than 5 mins. I read about Bully sticks and such here on the board but have decided after reading about how it makes some dogs sick that it isn't worth trying with Reggie since I know he has a sensitive stomach.

Is there ANYTHING I can safely give this dog to chew on?
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