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Old 03-26-2009, 11:10 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by YorkieMother View Post
First of all take a deep breath and do not over react the dog is only guarding a valuable resouce and you growl to if someone walked by and took your plate or tried to when you were very hungry. It is not the end of the world you just need to teach a differnt responce.
Yeach him that it will be just fine if your close.

1. no food bowl... supper is hand feed by you and do that for a few days.
2. then after he is calmly taking food from your hand then add the bowl. One peice of kibble at a time dropped in.

3. Then add two at a time once you worked up to a full meal in the bowl you then either walk by and add a special treat or swap the bowl out for a speical treat and then pass the bowl back.
What you want to do is teach your coming up to him is not the end of a meal or the world.

Or you can just alpha roll him a prove your at the most dangerous thing in his life and teach him fear.JL
I have done this with one of my maltese and my yorkie (maybe two or three times) and believe me it works and puts them in the place as "under" your packleader position (gives them perspective as to who is the top dog). Fear me??? No way!! They curl up around me at night like they were my protecting pack and come when called with no hesitation. If they were fearful, they would roll on their back or hide when I call them or pull away when I go to pick them up or pet them and they have never done that. They just know that I am the Boss! So I personally disagree with that thought that you instill fear in them with the alpha roll!
CAROL ~ Krissie ~ Toby ~ Brandy ~ Buffy
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