Hello Hi all, I just wanted to stop in and intorduce myself. My name is Anna and I am the proud grandma to Gizmo. We had a beautiful 9 year old Australian Sheppard (Rocky) who had to be put down on Feb. 9 2009 because of a central brain tumor. So needless to say our hearts were all broken. So I decided to start looking at puppy pictures (some how puppies always put a smile on my face lol) with no intention of getting another dog wright away, eventually we were thinking maybe Bernese Mountain dog. I found that it may have been a little too big and suggested maybe something smaller and that's when my daughter said that she knew that they were expensive but always liked yorkies, well I laughed and said I always also liked yorkies and yes they were expensive so who knows. So I'm looking at the classified and low and behold there's the moooooost adorable yorkie that looks like Trouble lol somehow I'm attracted to trouble lol. The add states that she's a breeder that needs to get rid of him that week because he's too big and is letting him go at a fairly decent price. Oh my gosh ! what's wrong with her! So I baptized him fatzo patazo jokingly of course and showed my husband and he instantly fell in love with him also, I wanted to go pick him up as a surprise for my daughter but hubby suggested we show her the picture first since he isn't the norm in color or size (he's chocolate and tan, has green eyes). Anyhow fatzo patazo is now lovingly known as Gizmo and the 4 of us (I also have a son)just adore him to pieces.
Here is our beautiful Gizmo that weighed in at 5.4 pounds 1 week before he turned 3 months. |