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Old 03-09-2009, 08:42 PM   #5
Donating Senior Yorkie Talker
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I have serious issues with barking as well. I've hired trainers and schooling. I probably won't be too much help, but I think it's important to find the CAUSE of the barking (anxious, territorial, aggressive, excited, etc.). If you figure out the reason, I think it can give you a lot of insight.

For example, when Lola is at the house, and barking, she is being very territorial. She doesn't think that my boyfriend or I are able to "protect", and feels like she has to do it for us. Therefore (with a lot of work with a trainer), we figured out ways to let her know that we are capable of protecting the house, and she doesn't have to do it for us.

Sometimes, Lola gets really anxious, when our other dog, Brodie is anxious about something. By fixing the situation, to where they're not in the anxiety-inducing situation anymore, the barking stops. The hard thing is, though, when you're not able to take them out of the anxiety-inducing situation.

It's definitely an on-going struggle, and we definitely have not perfected it by any means. It takes A LOT of time and consistency!! That's the hardest part. I think a trainer might be able to help you. Maybe you can work on finding out why she is barking, and maybe re-creating the situations, and praising her for good behavior. I would just do it slowly, and not just take her to the mall again right away. Work up to it or something.

Each dog is different, so it's hard to know exactly what you can do. I wish i could be more help. I've posted NUMEROUS threads about terrible barking. I know it's hard. I really hope it works out for you!!
Caroline & Lola
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