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Old 03-08-2009, 03:40 PM   #6
Yorkie Yakker
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Kent England
Posts: 48

Oh my goodness, ive just read the quarantine rules for Japan (on previous message) it does seem that it may take a while once you actually arrive. I have a pet passport for Poppy which involved rabies shots and a 6 month wait before we were allowed to take her out of the country. We took her on a family holiday to Menorca (Spain) It will probably be the first and last time we actually do it. It seemed very stressfull for her, although the flight was only 2 and a half hours long ,the wait at the other end for all the paperwork and red tape was very stressful for us and her.We also had to hire a specialist animal import and export company to deal with the paperwork.She had to visit a vet 24 hours before our return for a healthcheck and a tick and tapeworm treatment Not to mention that we had to do it all again in reverse with animal export company on our return to the uk. Although I do keep her passport up to date with her yearly rabies shots my partner and I both have agreed to take british holidays that are majorly stress free in comparrison with her instead.
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