I used Pampers on my shihtzu during the last 2 years of her life. She was getting lazy waiting for her daily walks. After wetting her diapers a couple of times, she started holding it again because of the discomfort of a wet diaper. I had thought at first that she was "at that age" where she had lost bladder control, but found out that wasn't the case. We had stopped using it for a couple of months until she decided to not hold it in again. With it on, she generally doesn't go until her walk.
Before her senior years, she was pretty good about going to the bathroom only on walks or on the pad we leave out for her when we're not home for longer periods. But early on, she was a poop eater, so we had at some point stopped laying out a pad for her. She only had maybe an accident or two or three a month so it wasn't a big problem.
My yorkie was 4.5 months when she came to me and was already paper trained for the most part. So it was a breeze to complete her training as she only had about 3 other spots she'd pee on around the house and eventually stopped going to those spots with some training and restrictions. Never had to confine her to one room during all of this--only had to block her off of half a hallway where she liked to go at first to pee in front of one of the rooms. I don't think I'd diaper one so young. I like to let their skin and hair breathe as much as possible. |