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Old 10-03-2005, 09:05 AM   #5
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Muscle Shoals
Posts: 361

Glad to hear it went ok... I got Daisha spayed (vote for her on pet of the month contest!!! at 7 months and she weighed right at 3 pounds.... I also got Dixie spayed at the same time, she was 1 yr old and weighed 4.5 lbs. Dixie did great.. even felt like trying to jump up on the couch that afternoon ---GASP----- but Daisha went and hid under the bed and wouldn't eat. I called the vet w/ concerns and he reassured me that she would be ok. I was up all night checking on her and by the next morning, she was back to normal. Its so scary for anything to be done to these little furbabies, isn't it??!!
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