Originally Posted by Tkstout1 I've posted this in general but they told me to come here to post it....
Oh my gosh I am so nervous, I don't know what is going on with Gigi...my mom's dog came over on thanksgiving Nov 27th and of course he took advantage of poor lil Gigi. About 2 weeks ago she started vomiting up yellow foam like 2 times a day and we took her to the vet and he said she was perfectly healthy and didn't say anything about being pregnant and she just had a sensitive stomache. Recently I have noticed that her stomache has been getting bigger and wider on the sides...I've kinda put my hand on her tummy and there is a little bit of fluttering....So if she is pregnant it will be next week....My husband does NOT want her to be pregnant because of all the horror storys we've heard...Please give me advice.....I don't know what to do to prepare.... |
If she is pregnant here is a great site to read up on.
First all was your girl in heat or had been in heat when your parents dog was there?
How old is your girl?
is this her first heat?
how much does she weigh?
How big and old was the male dog?
With her vomiting up yellow foam 2 times a day sounds like morning sicknes.
The yellow foam is bile meaning her tummy is empty.
If they mated on the 27th she would be due Jan 29th being the 63 day.
so you or your vet should be able to tell if she is pregnant by now. if so you might want to get xrays from your vet to see how many and how big her pups will be.
Good luck and keep us updated. will keep her in my Thoughts & prayers.