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Old 01-17-2009, 02:45 PM   #1
YT 500 Club Member
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Love yorkie and fish interaction

i have a 13 year old yorkie named mickey and 2+ year old betta fish named stanley(cup) the fish in blue (for the none hockey fans, his colour represents the toronto maple leafs and his colour and name represents the maple leafs winning the stanley cup) [man, am i ever a hockey dork?]

anyways, this whole summer (4 months) while i was in korea, my mom had to take care of my fish (surprised she didnt kill it!) anyways, my mom told me every day she'd put mickey on the dining table as my mom fed the fish and mickey would just sit there and stare at the fish.

so over the christmas i brought the fish back home with me and i did the same thing. twice a day i'd put mickey up on the dinning table to see what he'd do
it was really interesting because mickey would sit and stare at the fish and the fish would swim up to mickey and just stayed there, as if they were both staring at each other!

on the last day of my break i gave mickey a good bye kiss and put my fish (in his travelling cup) on the ground to see what would happen.
mickey walks over stares at him then licks the cup! how cute!!! (awwwwwe)

this is just a random story i thought i'd share...

on the side note, half way through writing this ir ealized i didn't feed my fish so i opened the top and shook his food and he did a little swim dance and ive never seen him do this! every time i shook his food he'd swim towards it but this is the first time he did the dance!!! lol he's becoming more and more like mickey! (mickey goes nuts if you shake food or make crumbling of the packaging sound)
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