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Old 01-07-2009, 08:37 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Rebecca12 View Post
Thank you for answering and for the plastic bag idea. We were to go for shots this week anyway. I will just take her early. Maybe they can xray her and see if she even swallowed anything. I did find an inkpen under the sofa. I don't think it makes the same sound on the floor though. It was dark in the room at the time. I can't be sure of anything. She is such a sweet, smart and loving little thing. I couldn't stand it if anything happened to her.
I've read of two yorkies swallowing coins, and both were fine, not knowing what it is she swallowed makes it harder. Some things with sharp points like a needle or straight pen could be very dangerous, other things with smooth edges, pass pretty easy. I know they often take things in their mouth, and decide they don't like them, and put them in another area for later.
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