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Old 01-07-2009, 08:21 PM   #2
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I've heard of this happening before, and they say that peroxide is given only if they have ingested something that is poisonous. The problem with making her vomit a coin, it could come up, and choke her. I would call the vet tomorrow, and he'll probably have you watch the stools for several days. He might also recommend a special diet. It's important that she's having bowel movements and eating because if she's vomiting and doesn't poop, this could mean an obstruction. It is probably easiest to put the poop in a small baggie and squash it to see if you can locate the coin, it could take a week to come out, but you will feel better when you know for sure she has passed it. Best of luck! You might want to call an emergency vet, just to be safe.
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