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Old 12-17-2008, 09:49 AM   #1
Donating YT 500 Club Member
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Charlotte, nc
Posts: 555
Default Calling all RAW feeders

Okay so I know this has been gone over a time or two, but I am now SERIOUSLY looking to switch my girls over to raw. I did read this old thread but I still have just a couple of questions:

1. If you are not feeding organic, then what about the steroids and such in the raw meats?

2. How is feeding raw cheaper? I have a 15 pounder and a 5 pounder. It seems like it would cost me more. Here in Charlotte, NC it does not seem like I have many choices to get raw cheap. The grocery stores are high (right now I can get quarter chix legs and a whole turkey at .59/lb. But thats not often.
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