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Old 12-10-2008, 06:52 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by phfgkl View Post
I've never used any spray or anything else on my pee pads. The best way to do it, is when they pee on the floor, take a papertowel, wipe up the pee with it, and then put the pee off the pp towel on the pee pad, I had my shih tzu trained in the first day by doing that, and the other ones have actually learned prety quickly too(just not as quick as my shih tzu)..
When I first got Lexi and was bringing her outside to go, I used the spray. When I switched to inside, using a litter pan with a pad in it, I started off by using the spray on the pad, since she was used to it. But I also did what the above poster said...if Lexi had an accident, I would blot it with the pad, and put that pad in the litter pan.

I think the spray is called wee-wee spray, but I'm not sure. If you are interested in the exact name, let me know and I'll see if I can hunt down the bottle.
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