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Old 09-26-2005, 09:40 PM   #3
SoCalyorkiLvr's Avatar
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By law (FAA rules) they have to be in their carrier on take off and landing only so if you know this and they try to tell you it is also the law for the duration of the flight you at least know that this is simply an "airline policy" and you are not breaking any law when you take them out and hide them under a banket or whatever.

Mine are pad trained so I carry pads with me and I take them into the restrooms in the airport to pee in between flights.

I would not use a sedative (except maybe a homeopathic one) on my dog. I just don't think drugs are the answer.

It is good to have treats and things that are his favorite and will keep him occupied for a long time like bully sticks and greenies maybe if you can get the greenie away when it gets too small and might be swallowed.

Good luck.
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