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Old 11-23-2008, 10:42 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Wrenee4 View Post
Oh I wanted to add about the bordetella since raray08 brought it up We give it because we take our babies to different places a LOT and where other dogs are so I don't want to chance it. Like she said there is a chance they can get it - from the up the nose vaccine. We have had it twice from it. Once on a pup that just got the sniffles and once on a puppy that we bought that got it full blown and had to be one meds. So there is for sure a chance, but that is only twice out of many times of giving it and nothing happened. There is a shot that can be given (I have never used it though) that is a KILLED strain. I have heard it stings a lot? Anyone used that one?
HMM I've never heard of the shot. Stings? OUCH. I guess that would be something I should research and see how well it really works.
Rachel and Mahina
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