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Old 11-21-2008, 07:53 PM   #1
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Default What is up with this???!!!

Olivia has developed a strange little behavior and I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed this with your yorkie. We usually eat our dinner in the living room. The past couple of days she goes crazy, sniff sniff sniffing around on the floor! It's just me and dh, so it's not like we're spilling food all over the floor or anything. We ate almost 2 hours ago, and she just now has quit the sniffing and has settled down. She is on raw diet and I tried giving her a raw lamb bone, thinking maybe she just wanted something to chew on - but she didn't want it. She just sniffs non-stop! Is this normal behavior?
Terri and Olivia (R.I.P. my sweet little girl)
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