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Old 11-13-2008, 10:19 AM   #1
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Default Where are your dogs?

Question for you - Where do you put your furbabies when you leave the house.
Hubby and I have been (gently) arguing for ever it seems as to where to puts the dogs when we leave for work. He wants them loose in the kitchen -gated - from the rest of the house. I would not mind but they are not 100% house trained and they will go where ever they feel like it if someone's not there to open the door for them, they are clean when we are home (go figure). I want to put them in their crate, they are clean in there. Hubby is usually home around 2 pm so their time in the crate is limited. But he thinks I'm being cruel, he's always saying ''how would you like to be crated''. HELP!! what's the general opinion on this sensitive topic. Thanks
LoveYorks (Aggie)
slave to; Chewy Choupette Tucson Sunny
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