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Old 11-12-2008, 02:56 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Ksheffield78 View Post
Thank you all so much for the support. I took some pictures of the cut, but the pictures actually make him look better than he really does!! It was just really shocking when I went to pick him up, I left my cute little fuzzy puppy and got a short haired dog...he looks all grown up and shouldn't yet It feels like I picked up someone elses dog, like I don't even know him anymore. I am still so sad.....
I know how you feel that happened to me last week. I even posted on here about how i was sobbing. Everyone thought she looked cute some even said cuter cuz she was less ratty looking, but I thought the same thing. She didn't look like my baby That's what upset me the most, is I felt like I didn't know who she was, I missed her little cubby bear furry face and wanted it back so bad.

I am finally used to her cut and actually am starting to like it cuz I can see her little brown eyes.

Youll get used to it i promise

I was also nervous about her not being cute anymore,a nd people not liking her anymore
Lauren & Mya
RIP Keelyn I will always love you
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