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Old 11-03-2008, 07:30 PM   #20
Donating YT 1000 Club Member
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Originally Posted by cj125 View Post
Shorkie Puppies for Sale: Gizmo
If you read to the very bottom you'll see what people mean by breeding for money. I don't know what this poor baby is - but he doesn't look like a Shorkie to me!

Puppies for Sale by James Yoder
And here's just a "few" of the other puppies they're selling! This is Amish country and like it or not they don't look at dogs as pets like we do - they're a commodity - like cows! In another word -- PUPPYMILL. NOT somewhere I'd want to get my baby from - mixed or not!
That is completely understandable why that is disgusting and wrong. However, not everyone who mixes breeds is greedy or bad owners. There are many people that love their animals dearly and make sure their puppies go to wonderful and loving homes. There are many, many purebred AKC pups that come from puppy mills and bad breeders, just as much as mixed breeds do. I don't care what you are breeding as long as you are taking care of your animals and you are placing them responsibly as well.
Proud Mommy of Gavin, Ethan, Morgan, Nia, Olivia, and Kiana and baby #7! Also Mommy to furkids: Cleo ,Lola, Lilly Appletini, and Diesel. and Sunny, Ethan's Golden therapy dog in training.
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