Thread: Plaque-Off
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Old 11-01-2008, 08:18 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by maggiesmom_2007 View Post
I use it all the time.
I bought some about a year ago and started using it because they had some recall on the toothpaste I was using and the one I had came from a bad batch. So I started mine on the Plaque off. I put a capful in a gallon jug and that was what I filled their dishes with. I took them all in for their shots in January of this year and my vet checks everything including their teeth and she asked me if I was brushing their teeth I said no and I got a crazy look. So she asked me how am I keeping their teeth so clean. So I told her about the Plaque off and she told me to keep using it and has since recommended it to owners who have a hard time brushing their dogs teeth or the owners that don't think it's needed.
Where can I purchase the Plaque Off?
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