Out of 7 younguns not one is called by just one name. Midori was Dori-dooz; Cruiser is Cruiseman; Remi is Rem-dooz; My hubby is not imaginative with nicknames so he just calls them by their real name twice. Remi is Rem-Rem; Skylar is Sky-Sky; Snickers is Snick-Snick. You get the idea. They respond to each name we call them . I have a gorgeous new girl-with her tongue sticking out all the time. She has not named herself yet, but when I use my high-pitched baby voice or praise voice, she comes running..She is 13 weeks old and under 2 pounds so I have to call her often to make sure she is okay, so I hafta name her soom or she will think "Mommie's baby" is her name.. |