I Am Toe Tired Y-A-W-N I am toe tired. I sweep in da big bed wit Gwamma. Her and me go to bed at 9:30 and if her is late, I bawk at her until her comes to bed. Den we snuggle and sweep alllll night. Well, for da wast two nights mommy (Megan) has been sick. Her hates to be da onlwy one up when her is barfy so her cwals into da big bed. Den her talks forever. Her tells us stories about all of da people her chats with on yorkie talk and she waughs and giggles. I get up and move to a different pot on da big bed, and I huff at her but her never gets it. Just talk, talk, talk. Gwamma puts da pillow ober her head and says Megan go to bed. Even den she talks and talks. Now she is sweeping in and I'm exaughsted and poor gwamma had to go to work and can barely keep her eyes open. We are tinking of putting Megan up for 'doption. any takers??? Love, Tucker |