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Old 10-13-2008, 07:40 PM   #7
Do you like Parti's?"
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Originally Posted by MyLadies View Post
Ok, heres a silly question. What do they do in cities such as this that freeze/snow all the time in Winter bad (like Zero temps).... when there are hills? I want to apply for a job but I find it's in this building that you have to drive up a precarious hill to get to. Do they salt the ice? Use a flame thrower in the morning to melt it? I just figure I'd slide back down to whence I came (well thats what happens in Texas!) how does one get to work then?

I guess I could pose my question if I get an interview. I'm sure I'd really get the job then...

Can you believe these questions are coming from a 46 year old woman? (my mind works in mysterious ways....)
Flame thower?? LOLOLOLOL

Just trying to picture that and I was...
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