Thread: Getting nervous
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Old 10-08-2008, 10:03 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by TeresaM View Post
Oh, how exciting for you! I bet you are just beside yourself trying to wait until Fri!

As for the temperature, it really depends on the individual. Annie wouldn't sleep under covers no matter how cold it got. She'd just snuggle closer if she was cold. Boo sleeps under the covers no matter what the temp is. And he'll sit outside in the middle of our hot Texas summers until I call him in. Gracie is still trying to decide how she is going to be. She is trying both under and on top of the covers at night, and she never says no to going outside regardless of the temp or weather conditions. She'll run right out just as quickly on a nice day as a rainy cold day. Just watch your baby, he'll tell you what he wants.

As far as the night out. How old will he be, and how long will you be out? The concern, of course is, if he hasn't had all his shots there is a chance he could pick something up. Even if you are carrying him, you'll need to put him down to potty and you don't know what maybe on the ground. Also, the stress of all the noise and people may be a lot for him to take. Use your best judgement, only you know his personality and how well he would be able to handle all the new noises, sights and smells. While he's young you want to do everything in your power to have every experience be a positive one so that he doesn't become fearful. Annie came to me as a 5 yr old with absolutely no exposure to anything. It took nearly a year of little trips to places to get her comfortable being out. Gracie is 9 months old and has no fear of anything. Everything is a great adventure and everyone is a potential new friend. It just depends on the individual. Watch how he reacts to things and always do whatever you need to for him to have a good experience when you go out.

Oh, and be sure to post pictures as soon as you can!!

He will be 9 weeks old at the time of the event. It will be for about 4 hours. It is literally just standing there listening to speeches, chants while walking, socialize for a bit and go back home. I don't want him to be alone since it will be his first extended period alone, but I am just not sure
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