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Old 10-08-2008, 06:56 PM   #1
Tasha Marie
Yorkie Yakker
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: colorado
Posts: 43
Default Glad to meet everyone!

Hello to everyone....I just joined a few days ago and what a pleasure to see all the cute little babies on here! So many cuties in one place! My name is Tara and I'd like you all to meet my little girl, Tasha Marie! She is six months old on the 10th of this month and what a sweetheart she is. She runs on rocket fuel! She is just under 3 lbs. She comes with me everywhere. She has two sisters: a fox Terrier named Keighley and a Yellow Labrador named Mesa. Mesa and Tasha love to curl up together. Tasha had a lot of names before we settled on her name...I had a dream one night about my childhood best friends' dog whose name was Tasha. She had one ear up and one ear down, but was a german shepherd. Of course she was the same colors too! She was small for her breed, like our baby. I woke up wondering why after all these years I would dream about her, and that is what we decided to name our yorkie. She has a bunch of nicknames of course...Poopie face, Poopie butt, Piranha, (likes to bite your feet), Stinky, Rocket.......Now about the Marie part...

My best friend now, Gayle, adds the middle name of Marie to everyones' name if they are female. It is just a funny thing she does! She calls me Tara Marie, even tho that is not my middle name! She has a dog named Trossie Marie. But she also has a boston terrier named SALLY KATHERINE (what happened to the MARIE there?) Haha! She calls her KITTY for short. She just takes the greatest joy in calling her DOG "KITTY" LOL!!!! It's just funny. She is the best friend a person could have and I am so lucky to have her. Anyway, I love the color pink, and I enjoy my pups and the love of my life, my husband!
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