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Old 10-07-2008, 06:59 PM   #1
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Default Some people are so rude. I just feel bad now. :[

I was telling some girls at school about my Ringo, and none of them really listen to the Beatles. I mean, I'm a 19 year old beauty student, and it's shocking when I tell people I do. Anyway, I named my doggie after Ringo Starr because John, George, and Paul didn't make sense. I thought it was cute, but one of the girls said it sounds bad. Like a clown, and it really hurt my feelings. Now that I really think, it makes me not like my poor dog's name, and I can't just change it, he's had it for his whole life :[ I don't know, my poor dog is walking around with a stupid name now.

Aah, people get to me. I need to just let it go, it suits him.
Ringo, you're a star.
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