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Old 10-06-2008, 09:13 PM   #9
YT 3000 Club Member
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I have had to cut down alot for the last year already. I am not allowed to work Sundays, Holidays, etc, anymore because of my pay scale, my company is down-sizing where-ever possible. That forced me to rent out my 1/2 acre field to a person with 3 horses to make up part of the difference. I dont go to movies as much or eat out as often. I now go to a cheaper hair-dresser. The cut is not as nice, but not bad either plus its closer to home. I dont go see my Mom as often. What used to cost 30 in gas now costs 80. I dont have TV anymore. I have done without a water heater since May. I will be getting one at the end of this month. The water out f the tap is just now starting to get cool. I use an evap cooler as much as possible, except for the 2 humid months. One thing that I have always done is I only put cloths in the dryer for about 5 minutes then hang them out on the clothsline. The only thing I dont skimp on now are the Yorkies, horses and the goats.
I wonder how this 78billion dollar "buy-out" will effect all of us in the long term?

Last edited by yorkiekist; 10-06-2008 at 09:15 PM.
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