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Old 10-03-2008, 12:24 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by mizzwanned View Post
It all depends on the area and the experience. Since she is 14 i think she can ask for $6 or $7 an hour. At 14 i used to get like $5 an hour. Now i get $15 or more but i am 21 with experience, i havent babysat in a while tho except my baby niece. I think $7 is good. See what the family says
Yeah, well.... as far as what the family says..... when I told my cousin's wife that I think the going rate is $5-6, she said she once had a nanny that charged $6 an hour but also did stuff around the house all day so she couldn't see paying my daughter that much. Shoot, I almost told her.... why did you let her go? Give her a call! That's cheap! Seriously, the two kids she's wanting Skylar to babysit are 1 and 2 years old. The two year old you have to watch constantly or he will climb on the roof of the house! I would say those two are worth at least 6 bucks an hour!
~ Angie
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