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Old 09-27-2008, 05:39 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by iwantayorkie08 View Post
She is 13 weeks old. It was all food. She seems fine. It was about 1/4 cup. Lily just had shots yesterday.
and there we go... lol... i'd say the shots... mixed with the food and the intense playing AFTER eating are probably the culprits. Shots are hard on them especially when they are so young. Was it a combo shot (did she get more than one .. not necissarily more than one shot but more than one "vaccine" in the single shot)? it's importnat when they are so young that they only get one at a time... a few weeks apart.... and shots like Lepto, Corona and Bordatella and not needed so see if they will be given to her in the future and insist that she not get them. Also keep in mind she might be swollen tomorrow and for a while after where the shot was.. this is normal. It is also normal that she be a bit "Sleepy" tomorrow and the next day... just make sure she is eating ok and keeping it down
Layla 's Simon
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