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Old 09-23-2008, 07:37 PM   #14
luv my pet
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Location: washington
Posts: 99

Originally Posted by Wylie's Mom View Post
When dogs have giardia, they are constantly shedding "cysts" all over their environment - so while you're treating them, you should try to keep them in a smaller area if possible. AND, you need to clean everywhere they've been (as much as possible) with bleach water/disinfectant to kill the cysts - otherwise, they will be reinfected as soon as they are well. Reinfection happens VERY easily, so it's very important to clean them and clean their areas. I have never heard of any injection for Giardia. There is a vaccine for it, but I would NOT recommend it - and it would NOT work now since your pups already have it anyway.

Also, I want to warn you that since they are puppies, their intestines may have some short-term issues with digestion (soft, grainy, mucousy stools) bc the giardia can actually damage the intestines in puppies - and then they're diagnosed (incorrectly) w/ ibs/ibd. So, after the giardia is gone - if they are still having stool issues months later, please get in touch.
Hello I have never heard of this what is it and how do you know if your yorkie has it? How do they catch this? Thanks
Chewys Mom
Proud member of "The Gentlemen's Club"
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