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Old 09-14-2005, 12:18 PM   #13
Donating Senior Yorkie Talker
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Join Date: May 2005
Location: Cincinnati
Posts: 134

Cookie barks a lot too. I have my steps that have helped reduce her barking.
1 - I calmly walk over to where she's barking (since she's trying to tell me something) I look outside and tell her "It's okay, stop barking" and then I walk away. I try not to ever raise my voice because I've heard that teaches them it's okay to be loud.
2 - If she barks after that, I grab the spray bottle (works wonders!!).
3 - If she barks even after seeing the bottle, I spray her.
This has reduced her barking and helped her to listen to me when I say "It's okay" then she calms down.
Good Luck~
Sarah, Cookie & Peanut
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