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Old 09-01-2008, 06:10 AM   #10
and Bernie's mom too!"
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LOL, I can relate to some of these posters and how they forget where they've posted.

A few years back hubby and I put in a small ornamental pond. I thought I did my research, but my fish were JUMPING OUT and committing suicide. It was really pretty sad.

I found a great forum on the net and posted my problem. I got lots of great advice too. We followed the advice then let things run there course. (nothing is fast with pond ecology) A couple of weeks later I went back to tell everyone it was working and couldn't find the darn site. Apparently I hadn't bothered to bookmark it or anything! Here we are several years later with dozens fish (yes, they ARE reproducing) and I've never thanked those responsible. From time to time I've looked for it...but no luck.

Sure, we'll get trolls. But we'll also get people who are panicking and find YT...Gosh, google anything about yorkies and yt pops up. I wish they'd come back and update too...but try not to get bent out of shape when they do. But, like you, op I find myself getting frustrated.

Let's just all vent, and LAUGH together.

Ginger Bernie Fun Kitty
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