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Old 08-25-2008, 07:21 PM   #12
Yorkie Yakker
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Georgetown, CA
Posts: 54
Default back from the vet

Well we are back from the vet and they really don't know what the problem is. A couple of weeks ago I took in a stool sample and there were no parasites. It is not diarrehea. Normal except it is whitish, yellow.

He is 5 weeks old and weighs 14.3 oz. He is still nursing off mom but I am starting to feed them to wean them from her. When I fed him today, within 5 or so minutes he was acting normal. This has the vet puzzled since liver problems would flare up after he eats. He is just the opposite, eating helps him. The vet said it may be low sugar level so she suggested I feed him every two hours. She wants me to weigh him every day but I do and he is gaining weight. In fact I weighed him Friday and he was 13.9 and today he is 14.3. She also wants me to take in another bowel sample and urine so they can test them. She said he is way too little to take blood so it is more or less wait and see. By the time we got him to the vet, he was acting and looking like any other "normal" puppy. Very frustrating. He is not in pain so we have to wait til he gets bigger to take blood.

Please pray for my little guy. He is sooo little and helpless and just a little sweet heart.

Thank you all for your concern and if I find anything out I will post. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. I am open to try anything.

Thank you again.
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