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Old 08-25-2008, 11:52 AM   #14
Slave to My Rug-Rats
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TJ and Roxy were both eating Raw - mOrigins at the time of their first BAT

Roxy was 43 (pre) and 100.9 post - I immediately put her on the Dr. Dodds diet and then she had a CBC and urinalysis, u/s and coagulation done about 2 weeks later - all was normal.

TJ was 5 (pre) and 43 (post) - again I put him on the Dr. Dodds diet - he had the CBC and urinalysis done about 2 or 3 months later - All was normal.

Roxy's post is now anywhere from 60 to 85 and she has been on a low but quality protein diet and treats, I am not "hard core" strict with her, b/c she hasn't showed any typical signs, but I do, do what I can with her.

TJ's post has come down to 1.3 - he never had another high post - after a year of doing the same diet and supplements as Roxy and getting back below normal post #s - I have decided to put him back on Raw.

I will retest BAT on them Both in January - as my Vet feel yearly is good at this point now.

Don't know if that helps you at all
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