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Old 08-16-2008, 01:52 PM   #11
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Location: Chattanooga TN USA
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Thanks for the advice guys. London's crate is the smallest I could buy. I moved her from the crate to the half bath and that's working better. She peed on her pad like 3 or 4 times last night, but held her pooh till I took her out. My hubby has a cat that couldn't learn not to pee on everything and he has to live in his own room. He and my in laws (we live with them) are threatening to move London into that room as well. I don't want to lose my baby over this. I am thinking about making her live in a playpen in our living room so that I can still see and play with her. It will be big enough for her to have her bed, food, toys, and a pee pad.

I can't have a doggie door because we have 4 cats and 2 big dogs. The big dogs stay outside and in the dog room, which is a workshop off the garage. London will be with them during the day while I'm at school.

I will definitely try the bell thing. She is good about going to the door during the day but she doesn't make any noise just sits there and hopes I see her. Hubby yells at her for barking.

Ok so I think that relates to what everyone posted. Sorry for the long post but yeah LOL so if anyone else has some suggestions just let me know.
Renee, Zack, Paris and London
75 gal reef, 8 gal mantis, 125 gal FOWLR
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