I guess it could have something to do with being picked up... because sure enough when he does it he gets carried around and put up on the couch to sit or brought into the kitchen..all areas where he isnt allowed on his own. He is so cute because he hooks on and puts up such a fight.
With his teeth coming in its starting to hurt a lot..
I will going to look into those Corkscrew chewies... He hasnt really found out of his Million toys anything that he loves to chew on more than my shoes or my feet and ankles... so hopefully something like that will help.
Originally Posted by BiffsMama Biffy was like that when he was little and still does it sometimes at the age of 1. Bites toes, ankles, socks on your feet, pant legs etc. It's so annoying! What made him do it less I think was that we got him hooked on these corkscrew looking chewies I think they're made by Red Barn. We get them at Petsmart and honestly he ALWAYS has one in his mouth now. He goes through one in a few days. They're kind of big for a little yorkie pup, but try it out. I think Biff used to do it for attention too. So even though it's painful sometimes we'd just stand there, not look at him and ignore the whole biting thing and he'd stop because we weren't scolding him, picking him up or whatever to make him stop. In other words he wasn't getting what he wanted by biting. As soon as he stopped biting we'd tell him what a good boy he was and then make a big fuss. |