I think you might be confusing her by using the pee pads. She goes outside the rest of the time but then you want her to use pads at night? She doesn't know the difference. Most 6 month olds should be able to make it at least 5-6 hours at night unless she has some sort of medical problem. Loki would pee IN his sleep and we found out he had some medical issues but it sounds like London is getting up and going on the floor, which makes no sense unless she just can't figure out how to tell you she needs to go out. How late do you give her water? I'd take water up at least 2 hours before bed and make sure she goes out multiple times after you take up the water. As far as going IN her crate, is the crate small enough? If she is going in her crate it could just be because she can't hold it, which again leads me to the water issue. She shouldn't be going in her crate. Is she maybe whimpering to tell you she needs to go out but you are ignoring it because you think she wants attention? I'm sorry it's so frustrating. |