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Old 07-20-2008, 10:23 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by hannah1044 View Post
Hi there...

I have done months and months of research into getting a dog and into different breeds and have decided on a yorkie. I have wanted a dog for about 10 years so it isnt a rash desicion!! I think it's the right time for me, as I have the next 8 weeks off work so I can be home with the puppy to settle him in etc..

After I go back to work, I will be out of the house between 8 and 6. However, I also live with my mum who only works 3 days a week. I don't want to be selfish and get a dog if this is too much time for him to spend alone. I would walk him every day and would love nothing more than coming home to a dog, but I just want to know what you guys think. I would appreciate any feedback. Yorkshire Terriers are my fave, but does anyone know any other breeds which are better being on their own some of the time?? Thanks a lot.

Hannah x

my Yorkie does bad stuff when left alone.. it's the ONLY time he does bad things because he hates to be alone. Schuazers are REALLY good dogs and can deal with being alone. You can also seek them out in many different sizes, mini, regular, and giant. I love them and it was a breed of dog I wanted if I hadn't found my Teddy(BTW, I hope you know not all yorkies are tiny.. mine's 13lbs and not overweight). Just I think Yorkie is a breed that hates to be alone, they're fun little guys and loving but have such spoiled tempers.

~Member of the Teapot Club~
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