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Old 07-18-2008, 08:35 PM   #10
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Usually, my pup growls when he sees something out the window or sliding door. So I normally just ask "What is it?" I'll make the trip to the door and usually it is the wild rabbit that lives out back. I'll sit back down and say "Thank you for telling me" or "It was neat seeing the rabbit" I feel I have to acknowledge it, it could be something important someday. It also stops the growl and occasional bark.

I know Leo does sometimes growl or nip at my children. Usually it is when they are playing. When I see that I tell them all no playing like that. My son loves to get down in a crawl position to play with the pup. Needless to say it puts puppy on the defense because of size alone. I've noticed Leo nip only when you try to take his toys from him. It is like - hey don't take my stuff. So I reinforce share or divert his attention to something else. That usually works for me.

Good Luck.

Last edited by LeosMama; 07-18-2008 at 08:39 PM.
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