Hair Brushing?
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07-06-2008, 11:27 AM
Woogie Man
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Mississippi
Posts: 2,564
At 8 weeks, your puppy is now getting some adult hair trying to come in and mingle with the puppy coat. They can turn into a real mess if you don't stay on top of it. I think the best tool to use at this point is a metal comb. It does a better job of getting all the way to the skin. You need to do this or you may find little mats forming close to the skin and then you've got real problems. Puppies don't like to sit still but if you try grooming at a time when he's all played out and kind of mellow, it'll be easier. If he wants to play a bit and bite at the comb, that's fine...just get back to the job after a minute. The areas around the shoulder, behind the ears and on the haunches are the ones to tangle easiest so it's best to groom every day. They don't tangle as bad as they age and they shed their puppy coat. After combing with a coarse tooth comb, I like to go over them with a flea comb. It helps to pull more of the puppy down out.
Woogie Man
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