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Old 03-02-2005, 04:23 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by debi_s
My Oscar used to LOVE to eat any 'fresh dirt' he could find.....would never go to the trouble to dig it up himself.....we have that nasty hard, red clay and he stayed a mess....

I guess the obvious answer would be to pick up as much stuff as you can...but I have no idea what type of yard you have...that may be impossible. Maybe someone can suggest something to spray or sprinkle over certain areas that would make him avoid it......that may not work if you have to re-apply after rain or such....

Or maybe you can spend some time outside with him and make a BIG GRUNT every time he starts to pick up something....

This is a tough one....hope some of these smart folks can do better than me!!!!

Great post and great idea (s)
~~**~~ Schatzie and Ransom ~~**~~
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